What is the RCIA?
(How does someone become Catholic?)
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the process by which people can question, search, and inquire into the Catholic faith. It is a journey which leads many to seek full membership in our Church. For others this journey may not lead to full membership. Either way, all are welcome to come and see, to ask questions, and to look more deeply.
As Catholic Christians we believe that God calls each one of us by name. A good sense of longing in your heart, a desire to belong, a feeling of being “at home” may be signs of where God is calling you. If you would like to talk about where you are, or if you are curious about our Church and our faith, or even if you’ve been attending Mass here and would like to find out about possibly joining.
The RCIA is for any unbaptized adult who is new to the Catholic faith or any unbaptized child usually over the age of 7.
The RCIA is also for any adult or child over the age of 7 who was baptized in another Christian tradition.
The Catechumenate also welcomes baptized Catholic adults seeking to receive the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist.
First, you get to ask questions. This is your journey, it’s your quest, and it is you that God is calling. So the first step in the RCIA process is to ask. There are no commitments, and coming to inquire doesn’t mean you have to join.
If you like what you hear and would like to join our Church, then you are enrolled as a catechumen, a learner. Our staff and parishioners will do their best to help you learn about our faith and way of life. We share our faith with the catechumens and we listen to their story.
Finally, for those who are called to full membership in the Church, the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist) are celebrated at the Easter Vigil.
For more information contact the parish office at (705) 253-9411